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Refractions by Protoculture

Cyberspace, machinery, binary code, the world wide web, alien spacecraft, pods of green liquid with fetuses submerged, sharp polygons, and crawling laser-shooting robots are what come to mind. Perfect psytrance, digital bliss.

Blog thing

Album reviews:

Nightbreed of Macabria - Popular Mechanics - Sweet Heart Dealer


Nightbreed of Macabria lyrics


Visual music map 2023

Genres and shit


1. Goth

This is my main musical passion and what I listen to most. My favorite music genre is darkwave. This is closely followed by gothic rock. The most accurate answer to the question of "what music do you like?" for me would be darkwave and gothic rock. I enjoy a bit of coldwave (more or less depending on how you define it) and ethereal wave at times. I do not listen to deathrock. This is because deathrock is often noisy and harsh, while I prefer music that is mysterious and melancholy, or brooding and mopey. And because I love those synths and melodies. I heavily focus on the 90s when it comes to goth music—it's absolutely my favorite period.

To sum up what I like about goth, it would be that it revels in the beauty of the darkness, which is a feeling that I find profound meaning in. I feel at one with the dark, and that is what goth is all about. The themes of darkness, death, blood, the cold, the supernatural, the magical, the mysterious, the BLACK... the dreary, melancholy, grim, sullen, and the gloomy.... the winter, the night, and the moon. These themes are represented in the lyrics that my personality consists of, and in the music, with haunting synths, brooding voices, deep bass, and of course, the guitars from straight out of the void, all reverberated as if being played in a spacious Gothic castle at dusk, fading moonlight shining through the shattered windows, painting everything in a bleak grey... yeah.

2. Metal

I have a different relationship to metal because rather than enjoying specific metal subgenres, I connect more to themes and lyrics of metal albums. This may be superficial of me because it means I am probably highly influenced by cover art and titles, but it gives me something to latch onto aesthetically apart from the music itself, which I generally passively enjoy but don't adore and need time and relistens to access. That being said, what I am drawn to is gothic metal, death doom metal (as well as death and doom on their own), and maybe melodic black and atmospheric black. I have no interest in power, folk, groove, prog, thrash, or early heavy metal.

As it tends to be with me, what I value above all else is atmosphere, so I prefer a slow, ambient section over a technically impressive and shrieking guitar solo. If a metal album has occult themes, I am way more likely to listen to it—vampires, witches, ghosts. I am also more likely to listen if there are any synths, organs, church bells, or music boxes, for that creepy spooky feel. Clean, growled, and shrieked vocals are all fine for me, but I do not like shouting. (It's silly, annoying, and difficult to take seriously.) Generally prefer female over male vocals but both are fine. And I prefer when songs are not in a pop song structure, and are inconsistent in structure and length throughout an album, cause it contributes to the atmosphere by making it more mysterious. It's difficult to find metal albums that I really click with because of all this pickiness, but when I do, it's pretty magical.

3. Electronic

In this category I am specifically talking about music that is about the rhythm, so mostly EDM. I didn't think I would ever get into this that much, but as of writing this I'm obsessed. The origins of my taste here lie in Infected Mushroom, Four Tet, and Moderat. My exposure to EDM was from popular genres like brostep, hardstyle, and big room house, all of which I have a distaste for. After delving into the obscure, I have found so much music I love. This music isn't just about the groove, although there's nothing wrong with that... it's about what is built around the groove, how these aspects affect each other, and how that influences the overall vibe. My taste in order is like this:

  a. Psytrance. My introduction into this cybernetic world by way of an RYM list that featured Y2K aesthetic style album covers, most of which were psytrance. Therefore my interest in Y2K and psytrance was simultaneous and linked. As a result, I primarily listen to psytrance that was released in the early 2000s, and all other music in this category has followed suit, which means I'm currently not interested in modern EDM.

     The long track lengths and album lengths of EDM greatly contribute to my enjoyment of the music, but especially in psytrance. It's immersive and subtle, with lots of depth that calls you to become lost in the rhythm. This is added to the psychedelic, surreal sounds of squelching acid that are intensely pleasing to my ears to create a wonky, technological headspace, where robotic insects rule the world. Progressive psytrance is a microgenre I heavily enjoy because of its further focus on individual components that are carefully added and subtracted, hypnotizing the listener with its minimalistic craftsmanship. Psybreaks is another related genre that I also like.

  b. Trip hop. I think this is not EDM but it is still electronic music that often focuses on the beat. Along with this is downtempo and big beat. These syncopated drum patterns are fucking groovy!! I only want female vocals in this type of music! I enjoy the combination of the funky rhythms, deep bass, surreal or dreamy backgrounds, and other things that can be fused with them, like synthesized leads, jazz and lounge elements, and turntablism. As with psytrance, I associate this stuff with Y2K, but I also associate it with graffiti, which is something I gained an interest in alongside this music thanks to Jet Set Radio. (I find myself wanting this music, except with female rap over it, preferably cute-sounding and rapping about... cute girl things. I don't know.)

  c. Techno. Specifically, minimal techno and ambient techno. This music is more abstract because apart from having a pulsing 4/4 rhythm, it plays with rhythm a lot and isn't defined by a type of beat or bassline. This is darker, perhaps quieter, more cerebral, more skeletal. I feel like the focus of this music is often about the rhythm itself and how it evolves rather than what is around it. I'm into it. Acid techno also interests me.

  d. Microhouse. This overlaps with minimal techno from what I've seen so I think of them in the same way right now, and I need more experience to differentiate what they are, but of course the defining feature of house is its distinct beat. Other house genres can be more melodic, have more vocals, or have more DROPS WOOOAAAHHH THAT DROP WAS INSANEEEE but my preference is in the quieter and more minimal sound. I'd like to try out more house though, namely in tech house, ambient house, acid house, and progressive house.

I have zero interest in DJs, festivals, clubs, or anything like that when it comes to this music. I think of this music as being for headphones personally. It's music to hear closely to pick out all the little details. Speaking of that, much of the fun I have with it is learning what sets the genres apart. Drum and bass sounds nothing like any of what I've listed. I have a bit of interest in exploring that more, particularly in techstep, maybe in minimal or atmospheric, maybe in neurofunk. Also have interest in braindance, acid breaks, acid trance, and even bubblegum dance. The breadth and variation in this category is vast and fascinating, and it is atmospheric in its own way.

4. Abstract music

This is a category I'm using for the sake of convenience here that is arbitrary and specific to me. By abstract I mostly mean things that are in the ambient realm or related to it. This mainly refers to dark ambient. Other terms that fit here are musique concrète, electroacoustic, tape music, drone, and industrial. I have not listened to enough music to have a firm grasp on all of these labels. They have simply been applied to some music that I like.

What I like about this type of music is its abandonment of structure, allowing itself to explore any environment it pleases. I like releases that emphasize dissonance, and sound dark, lonely, eerie, and otherworldly. Free from the constraints of musical tradition and familiarity, it holds the power to completely envelop me in specific atmospheres, and create feelings and moods inside of me that can't be accessed any other way.

5. Atmospheric forms of rock/pop

Hmmm this isn't a genre name either!! Well, this kind of thing all loosely fits into the same category in my head as well, so that's how it is. Between traditional, mainstream forms of music, and more experimental, dreamy forms, you get this broad concept of stuff that has evolved into being accessible enough in some way for the average listener but weird enough for the alternative listener (me!). For me, goth is a part of this, but it's a separate category for me because I particularly enjoy and seek out that specific form.

Examples of what I'm talking about here are things like ambient pop, dream pop, post-rock, synthpop, noise rock/pop, and alternative rock. I fucking love reverb. I'm into a bunch of stuff that definitely has structure and melody, and definitely has evolved from mainstream styles, but has been twisted into something morose, melancholic, strange, or surreal. I like electronic effects that produce a dreamy, ethereal feel, and I like experimentation of instruments, structure, and whatever other equipment or concepts music artists use to make their work.

So, I like to think that my music taste can be described as dark, depressive, melancholic, eerie, creepy, and alternative. Which... is pretty much how I like to think of myself as an individual as well.


Things that interest me to some extent that are apart from my current four main obelisks.

Neoclassical darkwave. This is not goth music but it's definitely adjacent. I've come to enjoy some of this music that uses traditional instruments with dark sensibilities. Any organs and church bells are a huge plus for me.
Hypnagogic pop. Surreal, alien, weirdcore type sounds that feel like they originate from an entirely different planet, yet still feel warm and faintly familiar. This is a subgenre of neo-psychedelia which maybe I'll explore at some point as a whole because of my high enjoyment of Pram.
Vaporwave. I had a brief interest in this in December 2023. Related to hypnagogic pop and exotica. There is a certain surreality in this concept of retrofuturism, of the optimism of the past, and the twisting of nostalgia. Likely solely because of when I was born, I enjoy retrofuturism of the late 90s into the 2000s. I like the heavy focus on the visual presentation of the music as a part of the art form. Mallsoft is what I was primarily interested in but I wouldn't be opposed to trying some new stuff maybe.
Progressive electronic. Vaguely interesting to me and is separate from the electronic category because it is not about the beat. I appreciate this type of music for its experimentality but I have yet to really like an album consistently.


Now onto what I dislike/don't like!!!

As for my music journey, I started off with pop music, because it was the most accessible, and it gradually evolved from there into the more "artsy" territory like Radiohead and Kate Bush that was still super popular but made me feel like I was smart. I have no categorical aversion to all pop music, but it tends to be too formulaic for me to enjoy much. I'm also annoyed at the overplaying of so many songs that I probably would be fine with normally, but from overexposure have transformed into being grating. I hate the expectation that I should like this because everyone else does, and the commercialization of art, in which it is turned into a marketing tactic.

If you happen to be a fan of country music, then you just might be tired of hearing people say they hate it. Too bad for you. I hate country music. I pretty much hate everything about it. I am probably overgeneralizing it, but every time I hear it, I immediately want to forcefully turn it off.

If there is any genre of music I despise more than country, it is Christmas music. Every year, Western culture attempts to ruin the darkest time of year by making it about brightness and happiness and all that shit. It's all so fucking fake and in no way is this exemplified more than in the abomination of humankind that is Christmas music. I wish I could eradicate all of it from existence, as well as the ability to create any more of it.

Trap music. Please.... no more hi-hats. I have nothing against rap itself, or hip-hop, although the most I've ever been interested in it was during that time in high school I found a group called "Gravediggaz". AhHAhaaHAhahAHHAahAh. I was even played some Public Enemy by my father growing up. But this shit is so insufferable. It's the beat. I don't even know if they're different, they all sound the same to me, but when it's this type of beat, it annoys the fuck out of me. Related to this, when vocals in music like this are mumbled and/or autotuned, or the lyrics devolve into "ay"/"yuh", I feel my brain melting.

Any type of religious music. I am an antitheist. Huge no on that.

I don't really care for any music that was made before, like, 1970, and that's being generous. I don't have an interest in classical music. I also don't care for blues, soul, gospel, R&B, opera, folk, reggae, rock and roll, easy listening (whatever that means), disco, funk, and anything that might possibly be termed a "classic" or "oldie".

I take music seriously and do make fun of myself for being sort of snobby, but eh, I just know what I like. And what I dislike. At the end of the night it's just my opinions and that's why it's here on my website and not anyone else's, because why would they care?

Last updated July 8, 2024

Albums I listened to for the first time (or rediscovered after a long time with no memory) this year.

25/7 S>Range - 2001

24/7 Visual Paradox - All You Can Beat

23/7 Central Processing Unit - Computer Error

22/7 Various Artists - High Way
Saiko Pod - Phutures and Options

21/7 Computerjockeys - Plankton

20/7 Void - Punishment

19/7 Oryx - On the Run

18/7 Jason Corder - Microcosmos

17/7 Human Blue - Electric Roundabout

16/7 Cut and Paste - Come Unstuck
Multistate - Collaborating With Machines

15/7 Various Artists - Deep Impact
Alternative Control - Alt + Ctrl

14/7 Neelix - Resident

13/7 Highpersonic Whomen - Alternative Energysource
Koxbox - U-Turn

12/7 Parasense - Apple

11/7 Future Beat Alliance - Disconnected

10/7 Fatali - Moments

9/7 Wrecked Machines - Second Thought
Jaïa - Fiction

8/7 Cirrus - Counterfeit

7/7 Coppé - Mercury
Halcali - Halcali Bacon

6/7 Saru - Machine
The Atomica Project - Metropolitan

5/7 Altöm - Groove Control
Moodorama - Basement Music

4/7 RazorBladeKisses - Twinkle Twinkle Little Scar

3/7 Collide - Chasing the Ghost

2/7 Naomi - Everyone Loves You
The Frozen Autumn - Is Anybody There?
Faithful Dawn - You Are Here
Hux Flux - Division by Zero

1/7 mindFIELD - Singularity

30/6 Aloan - Palmyr

29/6 21 Hertz - Ocean of Time
Scarlet Life - Sugar, Spice, Saccharin & Cyanide
eureka! - Tennis Girl

28/6 The Maxwell Implosion - Small Circle of Friends

27/6 Protoculture - Refractions

26/6 Hooverphonic - Blue Wonder Power Milk
Bitstream Dream - Connected
S.U.N. Project - Zwork

25/6 Visit Venus - Music for Space Tourism Vol. 1
Jonas Frederiksen - Osmosis

24/6 Jade - Analogic

23/6 Crane A.K. - Pink Eyed Pony
qebrµs - ⊶⊑∷⌊∴⊹∵⌉∷⊒⊷

22/6 Fourth World Magazine - The Spectacle of Light Abductions
Mood Deluxe - The Tangent Universe

21/6 Fractal Glider - Parasite
Bitstream Dream - Spiralglide

20/6 Decoder - Dissection
Ishome - Confession

19/6 Wizzy Noise - Cyclotron

18/6 Authentik - Preamplified

17/6 Rastaliens - Xplore the Wild Side
Jonny L - Sawtooth
FREq - Strange Attractors

16/6 Susumu Yokota - Baroque
MRI - Rhythmogenesis

15/6 Ticon - Rewind

14/6 Atmos - Headcleaner

13/6 7 Rainbows in Exile - Twilight Gymnastics
The Scared Stiffs - Autopsy Turvy
佐藤理 - Transmigration
Joseph Nothing - Deadland After Dreamland

12/6 Saru - Downtempo Dojo
いきてま - おいしい水滴
Misa - Misa Code

11/6 Suzukiski - Kamakura

10/6 Ezekiel Honig - Technology is Lonely

8/6 Auricular - Audion

7/6 Proem - Negativ
Digitalis - Zeitraum

6/6 Bio-Tonic - Elektrik Colors
Matenda - Energy Loader

5/6 Vibrasphere - Lime Structure

4/6 The Detroit Escalator Co. - Black Buildings
Psycraft - Gravitech
アロアズフゥ - Nut & Milk: ナット&ミルク
Quench - Exclude

3/6 Bitstream Dream - Integration
Aphid Moon - Global Culture
Auricular - Time
Coppé - Peppermint

2/6 Dream Techno - Trance
Space Cat - Power Up
Geoff White & Stewart Walker - Discord
Dark Soho - Sun Spot

1/6 Skazi - Animal
Eat Static - Implant
Die Laughing - Heaven in Decline

31/5 Elkapath - Black Spiders
Crucifix Nocturnal Christians - Circus of Angels

30/5 Dichroic Mirror - Silence is Foo

29/5 Nick Daly - Nighttown
Aenima - Sentient

28/5 Charon - Sorrowburn

27/5 Cemetery of Scream - Melancholy

26/5 Controlled Bleeding - The Poisoner
Pauline Oliveros - Ghostdance

25/5 The Shadow Dance - Temple
Whitehouse - Mummy and Daddy

24/5 Mortaur - Horror Vacui

23/5 Lovelorn Dolls - Deadtime Stories

22/5 Black Funeral - Moon of Characith

21/5 And Also the Trees - Green is the Sea

19/5 Inkubus Sukkubus - Vampyre Erotica

18/5 Velvet Eden - Street of ALICE

14/5 Lovelorn Dolls - Japanese Robot Invasion
The Machine in the Garden - One Winter's Night

13/5 Switchblade Symphony - The Three Calamities

12/5 Cemetary - Last Confessions

11/5 Theatres des Vampries - The Vampire Chronicles
Dead Souls Rising - Scented Garden
Theatres des Vampires - Pleasure and Pain
Days Are Nights - Sounds of the End

10/5 Liquid Sky - Identity

9/5 Claire Voyant - Claire Voyant

8/5 Nosferatu - The Prophecy

7/5 Corpus Delicti - Obsessions
Petrified Entity - Womb to the Grave
Written in Ashes - Eternal

6/5 Dichroic Mirror - Dichroic Mirror

5/5 Children on Stun - Tourniquets of Love's Desire
Blooding Mask - All the Colors of Death

4/5 The Bloodcult - Night's Plutonian Shore

3/5 Dead Souls Rising - Ars Magica

2/5 Caravan Palace - Gangbusters Melody Club

30/4 As Angels Bleed - As Angels Bleed

28/4 Alice in Darkland - The Evil's Entrails

27/4 Bad Pollyanna - Monstrous Child

26/4 In This Moment - Beautiful Tragedy

25/4 One-Eyed Doll - Witches

24/4 Lazy Lane - Keepers of the Gloom

22/4 Bad Pollyanna - The Broken Toys

19/4 New Mexican Stargazers - Cyberscape Nightcruiser

18/4 The Eternal Fall - The Sadness

6/4 Dream Disciples - In Amber

4/4 Sleepy Hollow - Sleepy Hollow

3/4 Bleu Grave - Chorus Ghost
The Eternal Fall - The Eternal Fall

1/4 Dark - Seduction

31/3 MALICE MIZER - 薔薇の聖堂

30/3 The Caves - Drifting in Visions

29/3 All My Faith Lost... - As You're Vanishing in Silence

28/3 Gothica - Night Thoughts

27/3 Dark Sanctuary - Royaume Mélancolique

23/3 Love Like Blood - Flags of Revolution

19/3 Another Tale - Nightmare Voices
Two Witches - The Vampire's Kiss

18/3 Two Witches - Agony of the Undead Vampire, Part II

17/3 Still Patient? - Salamand

16/3 Abysmal Grief - Abysmal Grief / Mors Eleison

13/3 Corbeau Hangs - Optograms

11/3 13 Candles - Come Out of the Dark

10/3 Paralysed Age - Nocturne

9/3 Xmal Deutschland - Fetisch

8/3 The Awakening - Request

6/3 Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Ich töte mich jedesmal aufs neue, doch ich bin unsterblich, und ich erstehe wieder auf; In einer Vision des Untergangs
Allerseelen - Autdaruta

5/3 Kammarheit - Asleep and Well Hidden

4/3 Atom Infant Incubator - Copula
This Vale of Tears - Precession by Sunset

3/3 Svartsinn - Traces of Nothingness

1/3 Lycia - A Day in the Stark Corner

29/2 Diary of Dreams - Bird Without Wings
The Angina Pectoris - Anno Domini

28/2 Mors Syphilitica - Primrose

27/2 Midnight Configuration - The Kissing Skull

26/2 Lovelorn Dolls - The House of Wonders

24/2 Ghosting - Romantic Death
Sophya - The Age of Sophya

23/2 Violet Tears - Cold Memories & Remains

20/2 This Ascension - Tears in Rain

19/2 The Crüxshadows - Night Crawls In
Malaise - Fifty-Two Ways

18/2 Rosetta Stone - The Tyranny of Inaction

17/2 Second Skin - Choir Invisible
The Frozen Autumn - Emotional Screening Device

16/2 The Machine in the Garden - Veils and Shadows EP
Double Echo - Life Inside / Rupture / Sylvia
Miranda Sex Garden - Suspiria

13/2 Whispers in the Shadow - A Taste of Decay

12/2 Diva Destruction - Passion's Price

11/2 The Machine in the Garden - Underworld
The Agnes Circle - Some Vague Desire

10/2 Stone 588 - Midnight Claret
In Strict Confidence - Cryogenix

9/2 Elusive - Destination Zero

7/2 Faithful Dawn - Temperance

5/2 Nyokabi Kariũki - Feeling Body

31/1 Behind the Scenes - Fragment

30/1 Love Spirals Downwards - Idylls

29/1 This Burning Effigy - To Bestial Gods

28/1 Atomic Neon - Life on Earth

27/1 Haunt Me - This Sadness Never Ends

26/1 Twin Tribes - Pendulum

25/1 Floodland - The Now and Here is Never
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness

24/1 Scary Black - Are you Afraid of the Dark?
Diary of Dreams - End of Flowers

23/1 Autumn's Grey Solace - Within the Depths of a Darkened Forest

22/1 The Spiritual Bat - Through The Shadows

21/1 Sun Ra - Strange Celestial Road

20/1 Kostnatění - Úpal

19/1 Deathcamp Project - Well-known Pleasures

18/1 Circles - Third Cycle

17/1 Bay Laurel - Under a Clouded Sky

16/1 Fields of the Nephilim - The Nephilim

15/1 Witching Hour - Raven
StrangersAngels - Chaos in Motion

14/1 Deutsch Nepal - Tolerance

13/1 EKOLALI - Igor
Xasthur - To Violate the Oblivious
Lycia - Ionia

12/1 New Mexican Stargazers - Selected Rituals
Dreadful Shadows - Estrangement
Lycia - Wake

11/1 Current 93 - In Menstrual Night

10/1 Witching Hour - She's Alive

9/1 Cries of Tammuz - Cries of Tammuz

8/1 23 Skidoo - The Culling Is Coming

7/1 Autumn - The Hating Tree

6/1 Metgumbnerbone - Ligeliahorn
Variété - Variété

5/1 Lisa Gerrard & Pieter Bourke - Duality
Twilight Ritual - Rituals

4/1 Soror Delorosa - Blind Scenes
New Mexican Stargazers - Shrine Behind the Tree
The Awakening - Risen

3/1 Selofan - Verboten
Diary of Dreams - Cholymelan

2/1 Flue - Vista

1/1 Nösferätu - Rise

Albums I listened to for the first time (or rediscovered after a long time with no memory) last year.

12/31 Fearing - Shadow
Autumn Cathedral - Asleep Within Waves

12/30 The Wake - Masked
Neurotic Doll - Reveal -啓示-

12/29 Lacrimosa - Angst
INTERNET CLUB - Underwater Mirage
Morbid Poetry - Pilgrims
Pale Cocoon - 繭 (Mayu)

12/28 Wasn't - Self Edit Arrangement

12/27 Fluorescent Heights - Vendetta in Paradise
Maria Minerva - Cabaret Cixous

12/26 Mauritanian Corn Flakes - Submergence

12/25 Whispers in the Shadow - November

12/24 New Mexican Stargazers - Desert's Zenith

12/23 Candy Stripe - As Above So Below
Headboggle - Headboggle

12/22 Amphibious Realm - The Aisles Stretch for Miles and I Don't Want to Leave

12/21 Nightmare Eyes - Sunflower's Eye
New Mexican Stargazers - Aqua Temple

12/20 Hannah Clams - Stuck on an Island for 30 minutes

12/19 Cyber Surfer 3D - Biosphere 0.2

12/18 James Ferraro - Far Side Virtual
猫シ Corp. - Palm Mall

12/17 PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises - Home™
Hantasi - Vacant Places

12/16 Boys Age - New World Pregnancy
식료품groceries - 슈퍼마켓Yes! We’re Open

12/15 Disconscious - Hologram Plaza
Macintosh Plus - Floral Shoppe

12/14 Monolake - Silence

12/13 Piano Magic - Writers Without Homes

12/11 Convocation - No Dawn for the Caliginous Night

12/10 Secret Stairways - Enchantment of the Ring

12/9 Autumnal Graves - Cult of the Black Cauldron

12/8 Monolake - Ghosts

12/7 Maalice - Locusta

12/6 Black To Comm - Seven Horses For Seven Kings

12/5 Whispers in the Shadow - Laudanum
Velda's Arcane Theatre - Violet Dreams

12/4 Borderline Issues - Nightmarish Paths

12/2 Cradle of Filth - V Empire Or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein

12/1 House of Harm - Vicious Pastimes
Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River

11/30 MANKIND MUST BE DESTROYED - I Am Ashamed To Be Human

11/29 Suicide Wraith - Suicide is the Path of Ghosts

11/28 The Palace of Tears - Of Ruination
Fathomless Misery - Descent Of Slow Suffering
Cradle of Filth - Midian

11/24 Bootblacks - Veins

11/22 Corpus Delicti - Obsessions
Pierce The Veil - Selfish Machines

11/19 Cocteau Twins - Treasure
DECEITS - If There's No Heaven...

11/18 Tor Lundvall - A Dark Place

11/12 Pram - Irong Lung

11/10 Boris - präparat

11/9 Haunted Disco - Madeleine

11/7 :zoviet*france: - Gesture Signal Threat

11/2 Demen - Nektyr
Pram - Gash (rerelease)

10/31 In Embrace - Passionfruit Pastels

10/30 Pram - Meshes
1727 - Derelict

10/28 Boy Harsher - Careful

10/20 Mephisto Walz - Thalia

10/18 Dwell In Doom - Gothic Mass

10/3 Depeche Mode - Black Celebration

10/1 Christian Death - Only Theatre of Pain
The Cure - The Top

9/27 Grey Gallows - Beyond Reflections

9/20 Lebanon Hanover - Tomb For Two

9/18 Trance To The Sun - Ghost Forest (2012 Remaster) {without last 3 tracks, which are bonus tracks}

9/15 Ash Code - Oblivion

9/12 Forever Grey - Poems About Eternity
Forever Grey - September Ice

9/10 Asterius - the street lamps congregated under the gaze of the moon and the stars
悪 - 所持
Bat Nouveau - Metamorphoses

9/8 Forever Grey - Hearing Eyes
Forever Grey - Palm Hands

9/7 Lebanon Hanover - Why Not Just Be Solo

9/6 ghostland - Dances on Walls
BASTET - Dawn of Darkness

9/3 Bauhaus - Mask

9/1 SOPHYA - Broken Mirrors

8/26 Lebanon Hanover - The World Is Getting Colder

8/25 Forever Grey - Love is Lust

8/24 Witch Will Die - Man Who Never Cares

8/22 Cocteau Twins - Head Over Heels
Minuit Machine - Infrarouge

8/18 Burial Ground - Embrace the Dark

8/12 Cocteau Twins - Garlands

8/10 Faith & The Muse - Elyria
Onryō - 幽靈氣氛

7/31 Grey Gallows - Shades

7/30 Switchblade Symphony - Serpentine Gallery
Demonic Night - Nox Cadaverum
Strawberry Painkiller - Sweet Pharmakeia (SPK)

7/29 Asylum Party - Mère

7/26-27 Fyr - Yoghurt Snake in the Dessert


7/15 Lowlife - Rain

7/10 Asylum Party - Picture One

7/4 Theatres des Vampires - Moonlight Waltz

7/1 Mephisto Walz - Terra-Regina

6/26 Horror Vacui - Return Of The Empire
Shadow Image - Kiss the Ashes

6/25 The Frozen Autumn - Fragments of Memories

6/24 Cadaveria - The Shadows' Madame

6/23 scarling. - So Long, Scarecrow

6/21 scarling. - Sweet Heart Dealer

6/19 The Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
Theatres des Vampires - Pleasure and Pain
Dead Can Dance - Dead Can Dance

6/16 Theatres des Vampires - Nightbreed of Macabria

6/15 Siavash Amini - SERUS

6/13 LLand Mass - Cascades

6/12 Ian Haygreen - Tracing the Void

6/10 Pnk Bch - Isola
Horror Vacui - In Darkness You Will Feel Alright
Amhain - jbvjvjkvkh
J. Franklin - Left And Back

6/9 Tiocph - Maximin

6/8 Devid Ciampalini - Sorgente

6/7 Intersystems - Peachy

6/4 Grey Gallows - Garden of Lies

6/3 Jute Gyte - Birefringence

6/1 Clan of Xymox - Clan of Xymox

5/22 J. Franklin - Newly Found Room
Vale - A Senseless Procession

5/21 Amhain - BC/Apr/23

5/19 Grey Gallows - Strangers

5/18 Rosetta Stone - An Eye for the Main Chance

5/17 A Cloud of Ravens - Another Kind of Midnight
Suspiria - Tragedy

5/15 Ferox Occulta - Oneiric Citadel

5/14 Cloak of Ravens - In The End Death Takes Us All
Dying Aura - Of Death, Kings and Solitude

5/13 Witchcult - Cantate of the Black Mass
Frostshock - Frostshock
Ethereal Shroud - They Became the Falling Ash

5/12 Orphans of Dusk - Spleen

5/11 Asylum Party - Borderline

5/10 Witching Hour - Exhumation
MATTE BLVCK - I'm Waving, Not Drowning

5/9 The Foreshadowing - Days of Nothing
Theatre of Tragedy - Aégis
Dark Tranquillity - Of Chaos and Eternal Night

5/5 Second Still - Early Forms

4/30 Witch Will Die - Violet of Twilight

4/26 Sonsombre - The Veils of Ending

4/22 Witching Hour - Hourglass

4/19 Corpus Delicti - Sylphes
WitchHands - Unto Death

4/18 The Frozen Autumn - Pale Awakening

Around 4/15 Drab Majesty - The Demonstration

4/7 Shadow Age - Shadow Age

4/6 Drab Majesty - Careless
Molchat Doma - etazhi

4/5 FOREVER GREY - Sympathy Garden

4/4 Sonsombre - A Funeral For The Sun

4/2 TRAITRS - Rites And Ritual

4/1 FOREVER GREY - Autumn Calling

3/30 Black Angel - The Widow

3/29 MILLIKEN CHAMBER - Lily of the Valley

3/26 Ghost Bath - Moonlover

3/23 Solemn Novena - Kiss the Girls

3/21 Second Thought - Dungeness
Amhain - BC/May/22

3/20 Amhain - BC/FEB/F/M/23

3/1 Aghast - Hexerei Im Zwielicht Der Finsternis

2/28 nijuroko - contrast / refrai - OI025

2/26 KMRU - dont linger they might see you

2/21 diane barbé - a conference of critters

2/10 FOREVER GREY - Departed

2/9 Lock Howl - Pareidolia

2/8 Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures

2/7 FOREVER GREY - Alabaster Chamber

2/6 Jack Off Jill - Clear Hearts Grey Flowers

1/27 Cisfinitum - Landschaft

1/25 Shareholder - The Restless Desert
Lacuna Coil - Black Anima

1/21 Curved Light - Quartzsite